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Indian subversive Activities

PM Nawaz Sharif stated india is commiting subversive acts within the borders of Pakistan , evidence of the involvement of Indian spy agency RAW in these subversive activities  is in the dossiers  that have been handed over to the UN .
PM Sharif further stated he had proposed a solution for Kasmir.

Comment :
This is not breaking News , everbody knows , these subversive actions have been going on for a very long time .
When accusations are made against Pakistan there is uproar but when it comes to India ,silence.
The evidence gathered  is the breaking News not the fact India has been behaving un-Democratically.
Simply , as was originally designated , Kashmir should be re-unified with Pakistan .
If this is not going to be allowed to happen  , then as a Democratic country India should give the people of Kashmir the right to vote for self-rule.
Let them decide their destiny.
This has happened around the world in many countries , why not in the sub-continent.

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